There is a lot of information needed below. If you need to send some information now and some later, that is fine. Just send the form that applies below with the partial information, and send it again later with the remaining information needed. Also, if you do not have your Service Record Book, I suggest you get it. It contains most all the answers to the below questions. Go to the Company Office and on the center column click on, "Get Your Records". To get your records coming right now, CLICK HERE to pop-up a window with instructions.
There are three forms below. The top form, titled, "Hotel 2/1 1968 Registration Form, Hotel Only" is just for the actual time you served in Hotel Company. Other in-country time and the rest of your active duty time will be located in the second form. I suggest you read all three forms before you start any of them. It will make the process easier. There are two issues with the forms you need to know about. The first is, you can't save them, once you start you must finish them by clicking the submit button when you have completed it. The Hotel form takes about 90 minutes minutes to complete depending on how much you write. I suggest you write question 4 in a word processor and have it completed before you start on the form. That way you can just copy and paste it.
NOTE: You do NOT have to fill out all 3 of these at once. just fill out one form, then hit submit.
This form is where you will place all of your military time outside of Hotel. A nice birds-eye view of your time in the Marine Corps and other service. This should take you about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete if you have your military records.
What has been going on in your life since the Marine Corps? We would genuinely like to know. I know we have some very successful Real Estate Agents, some Police Offices and Boarder Patrol Agents. We have at least one who is retired from the Post Office. Some of you have gone to school and obtained degrees. Tell us all about it. Please include a picture of you as you are now. I filled this form out in _____________ minutes but it could be wildly different for any of us.

A biography is a detailed description or account of someone's life. A biography is more than a list of impersonal facts (education, work, relationships, and death), it also portrays the subject's experience of those events. Unlike a profile or curriculum vitae (résumé), a biography presents the subject's story, highlighting various aspects of his or her life, including intimate details of experiences, and may include an analysis of the subject's personality.
An autobiography is written by the subject himself.
As we have all learned from Jay, when we write or speak about the war we were in, we see it in our mind as the sliver in front of our nose. So slightly different versions of the same story are completely normal and expected. As you read them, simply enjoy the real life experiences of others.